What does Omri mean?
OM (“soul”) + RI (“rituals”)
OM comes from Sanskrit “Aum ॐ” (Indo-European language) which means “the soul”. The soul is the source of returning to the essential, the body and the mind, to refocus on self.
RI refers to rituals: the art of transforming a habit into pleasure. Associated with our treatments, our rituals have been designed by physiotherapists or sophrologists, with simple movements and techniques, which will make you the central actor in your well-being.

A global, immersive and engaging experience
At Omri, we believe in the power of intention, allowing you to transform a simple gesture into a regular commitment to your well-being.
This is why we have created effective, natural formulas, with exceptionally pleasant textures and subtle fragrances, which will give you want to take care of yourself.
Multi-use expert treatments, targeting the most common well-being and health themes, to take with you everywhere.
Rituals, developed by well-being experts, designed to easily integrate into your habits. To take care of yourself, with confidence.